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Sussex Branch Honours 2013

First NameSurnameHonour
JaneAskhamService Medal (12 years? Service)
GeorgeBachelorCertificate of Thanks (4 / 8 years? Service)
LouiseBarnesCertificate of Thanks (4 / 8 years? Service)
MalcolmBrewsterService Medal (12 years? Service)
MalcolmBrewsterCertificate of Recognition
FredCookeCertificate of Recognition
LeeCorneliusCertificate of Merit (Merit)
JamesCossonsCertificate of Merit (Merit)
NigelDiversService Cross (20 years? Service)
Freddie aeHayes-ColesCertificate of Merit (Merit)
ShivaunHayes-ColesFriends of the Society Certificates
IanHeadFriends of the Society Certificates
AndyHepworthFriends of the Society Certificates
RuthHeyes2nd Bar to Service Cross (30 years? Service)
JimHillsFriends of the Society Certificates
MeganHolmsCertificate of Merit (Merit)
NatashaMaysCertificate of Thanks (4 / 8 years? Service)
KarenMaysFriends of the Society Certificates
AmandaPaineCertificate of Thanks (4 / 8 years? Service)
TrudiPeelCertificate of Thanks (4 / 8 years? Service)
TrudiePeelCertificate of Merit (Merit)
RobertRichardsonCertificate of Recognition
StuartRigbyCertificate of Thanks (4 / 8 years? Service)
HeatherScottService Cross (20 years? Service)
GabbiSimmondsCertificate of Thanks (4 / 8 years? Service)
GabbiSimmondsYoung Lifesaver of the Year
GabbiSimmondsCertificate of Merit (Merit)
AndrewSladeService Cross (20 years? Service)
ClaireWiltshireBar to Service Medal (16 years? Service)
DarrenWindleyCertificate of Recognition
DaveWorsleyCertificate of Recognition

New Competition!

Branch Teams Comp 24/11/24

This is a lifesaving championship for all levels and abilities in lifesaving. Entry Closes Soon!

Click for more info