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RLSS UK National Honours

The National Presentation of Honours 2023 will be held on Saturday the 28th Of October 2023 (Venue TBC). The annual National Honours Ceremony is designed to say thank you to all who contribute to a reduction in drowning in the UK and Ireland.

The concept underlying the Honours system is that length of service and meritorious work should each be recognised separately. There are, therefore, two series of Honours – Service Honours and Merit Honours. Each series is independent of the other and each has a different criteria of eligibility. Individuals may, and often will, hold both Service and Merit Honours and could receive one of each in a single year. It should be emphasised that both Service Honours and Merit Honours have equal value and are awarded in recognition of valuable work done to support the aims of the Society.

We invite all members to nominate individuals and groups who are considered worthy of recognition. For more information on each Honours category and to submit Honours click on the tabs below. After this, the branch will meet and discuss the nominations and shortlist applicants.

Current RLSS Members can vote through TahDah. On your dashboard there will be a notification to nominate someone. Below is a guide to the Honours

The Honours process also includes a series of Special Trophies and Awards:

  • The Stanley Peck Trophy
    This trophy is awarded to a person who does most to carry out the objectives of the Society in their local area, in any capacity.
  • The Brian Morrissey Cup
    The award is to be made for the work undertaken on a Society Community Programme. Nominations can be for an individual, club or group.
  • The Ken White Trophy
    Nominations can be made for any fundraising work on behalf of the Society at National, Regional, Branch or Club or local level. The citation should recognise the level of commitment and enthusiasm given throughout the year. It is not necessarily recognition of the amount of funds raised.
  • The Stuart Bailey Trophy
    This trophy is to be awarded to an individual or group for outstanding work, specific to an open water environment. Although not limited to these activities, for guidance, work may include work carried out by a rescue service, exceptional open water swimming challenge or open water safety days, demonstrations or camps.
  • The Clive Holland Trophy
    This trophy is to be awarded to an RLSS UK affiliated club who has done the most to carry out the objectives of the Society in their local area.
    It might recognise club development; growth in numbers of members or awards; collaboration with other groups; innovative use of programmes; development of lifesaving sport locally; community involvement or service or a mixture of all or any of these. We are looking for a Club which shows considerable impact in the promotion of the Society and its aims. Specific examples relating to people’s activity on behalf of the Society, for which the nominated Club has been directly responsible, must be given, such as details of the Club’s programme of activity, impact of the programme such as number of awards taken, newspaper articles pertaining to the group and its involvement and impact in the community; letters of thanks may be included.
  • The Deborah Hunt Trophy
    To be awarded to a member who has made a contribution to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at National, branch or club level.
  • Mark Smith Trophy
    To be awarded to a member who has demonstrated the highest contribution to the strategic future of the charity.
  • Young Lifesaver of the Year Certificate
    The Trustees are committed to their aim to create opportunities for young people to become involved in all aspects of the Society’s work, the National Honours Committee continues to recognise the contribution of young people in their local area. Each Branch is required to nominate a young person aged between 14 and 24 at 31 December off the year of the honour). A brief citation is required, to enable your Branch Honours Committee to make its final decision on the one name to be submitted to the National Honours Committee for ratification. There is no specific criteria; Branches however should consider the contribution of each and every young person nominated, whatever their role or involvement for whichever club or group, before they make their final decision. The one successful nomination within each Branch should be forwarded to the National Honours Committee and the recipient will be invited to the Honours Ceremony to receive their Certificate.
  • Young Leaders Trophy
    A young person aged between 14 and 24 who has demonstrated outstanding personal leadership in contributing to meeting the aims of the Society. The National Honours Committee will promote one individual from the published list of ‘Young Lifesaver of The Year Certificates’ to be honoured with the Young Leaders Trophy.

Sussex Branch historical honours are available on the Here.

New Competition!

Branch Lifesaving Championships 14/07/24

This is a large lifesaving championship for all levels and abilities in lifesaving. Entry Closes on the 30th June 2024

Click for more info